SpringDataMongoDB MongoDB was on my ToDo list for a while. Finally I decided to stop procrastinating and give it a spin. Since simple hello-world app is no fun, I was thinking of some real life use cases of NoSQL database. One simple use case which I could think of was to create a centralised log store. MongoDB already has a Log4j appender using which application logs can be directly written to MongoDB. But archiving the existing logs in MongoDB is something which is not available out of the box. Also sometimes it’s convenient to write application logs to regular log files but use a store like MongoDB for archival purpose.

Being a big fan of Spring Framework, I decided to use SpringData MongoDB module. Now I don’t have to worry about writing all the boilerplate code to deal with MongoDB. Also I use Spring Integration for file polling mechanism. The following blog post elaborates how I use spring-data-mongodb along with spring-integration framework to archive log4j log files in a mongodb store.

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